Evolution – Human Consciousness

Human consciousness plays the vital role in the evolution of the Nature or cosmos as human body is the best vehicle that can evolve the soul much faster and better than the bodies of any other living beings. Because, the main soul apparatus, awareness with the help of senses, mind and intellect work well in human consciousness and humans can use their intellect better for the expansion of consciousness (but now almost all people use their intellect for contraction of their consciousness). Souls of other living beings cannot evolve faster due to dullness in all these soul apparatus. So Nature gives more importance to the evolution of human consciousness.

Whenever human consciousness falls behind from its evolution rate, then the supernatural power intervenes in the governance system of Nature to bring balance in the holistic consciousness of Nature.

Human consciousness includes various traits like ingredients in food, they are meant to advance the material world by burning their traits. Those are traits that are actually meant to do good works in the world but some negative traits developed as the human evolution happened and those negative traits do all bad actions against the Nature and the world. The actions of humans mainly fall under doing good things and also doing bad things in the world. All people, at times they do good things and at times they do bad things. There are also always good doing people and there are also always bad doing people in the world.  Bad or negativity increases in the world when the main trait ingredients in the souls of people miss balance i.e. when negativity in their minds increase.  Negativity such as, hurting others, causing problems to others, controlling others, repression and all those. These are just some examples. These things do not allow the Nature (the world) to go forward at its expected rate. Ingredients are mainly anger, lust, passion, desires, jealousy, universal thinking, personal thinking, possessiveness, personal personality etc. When these ingredients are balanced in human consciousness  then, the world will balance. This is more of a soul engineering work or consciousness management work which can only be in the hands of Cosmic CEO or God and he does it with his cosmic management team members. Some of those team members work in the human bodies and some of them work without bodies but by soul alone.

When the imbalance in Nature goes to dangerous levels, then the super natural power intervenes in the system of Nature and tries to balance these ingredients in the human consciousness. So far in the world, nine times, the Nature fell in such dangerous levels and at all those nine times, the super natural power intervened in repairing the damage caused to human consciousness protected it. Currently the human consciousness is reaching the tenth dangerous level in the current span of time which is called “Kaliyug”. To repair the current dangerous status of human consciousness, the repairing work of God has begun in the Soul form. The Hariom Mantas are meant to bring such evolution in human consciousness involuntarily.

You can check the following playlist of videos to understand the nine main dangerous situations that challenged the existence of the world and how the super natural power resolved those problems. You can also check the tenth and currently ongoing dangerous state of human consciousness which will further get worse and worse, challenging the existence of human race.


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