Hari, the Automatic Driver of consciousness

Hariom Consciousness initiates you to have Hari, the cosmic driver within as Guru, so you get his guidance through all situations in life. Transformation and prosperity will take place involuntarily in life, businesses and careers.

People mostly in Himalayas, greet each other saying Hari Om.  Just like you say, hello or hi, people mostly in Himalayan region greet by saying, Hari Om.

Hari does not belong to any religion. It is a technical name of universal consciousness that is spread everywhere i.e. in and out of every living and non living beings. It is a technical term from the science of consciousness. It is a powerful healing Beej Mantra, that heals your karma. Karma that you owe to this world is the reason behind your problems in life. When that karma starts healing, you will have better life with better finances, better health, better business, better career, better relations, more peace and happiness in life. 

Hari does not mean a Hindu God or something. Hari means, the supreme consciousness that does not have any body which is there everywhere and in every living beings and non living beings. It is that supreme oceanic consciousness on which all waves and bubbles exist and merge back into the same universal consciousness. That universal consciousness is nothing but Hariom Consciousness  which even can be called as Christ Consciousness or Allah Consciousness or Buddha Consciousness and so on.  

Chanting Hariom helps you gain God Consciousness, involuntarily. You can unleash many cosmic hidden potentials within you, with the help of Hariom Consciousness. You will be able to prosper involuntarily, in your careers, businesses, personal lives and also in terms of health.  Hariom Consciousness evolves the human consciousness INVOLUNTARILY and MUCH FASTER, than any other yoga techniques so far introduced on the earth. The faster involuntary evolution in terms of spirit, brings prosperity in your businesses, careers and personal lives. 

For Cosmic Consciousness of Hari the Om, you can chant “Hariom“, all times silently in mind, that keeps you well aware and conscious of actions you perform in your daily lives.  If you have universal and more consciousness related technical views on all religions and humans, then you can also chant Hariom, Hare Christ or Hariom, Hare Allah or Hariom, Hare Buddha and so on to experience the universal God consciousness to prosper in life.   These mantras are not conceptualized out of human mind and human effort. They carry the real cosmic energies of the divine. After chanting these mantras for at least 21 days, you will be able to experience the relevant divine energies.  

You can also check Hariom Consciousness section for better understanding of Hariom Consciousness. 

There is a way to awaken your energies and make yourself get more intuitive to connect to the God within and get his directions to live life well and prosper for which GURU is must. At this phase of the world, it is difficult to believe any Gurus.  Hariom Consciousness will INITIATE you into “HAVING HARI, THE COSMIC POWER AS GURU WITHIN”, by which you will be able to listen to his voice and his directions from within, to face the situations and people better so you can prosper.  THE INITIATION helps you have HARI, the cosmic driver as your GURU AND GOD WITHIN, who will direct you TO PROSPER in all aspects of your life. 

Whether you are an entrepreneur who is trying to prosper the business, OR you are a professional who wants to excel in careers and prosper,  OR you are a spiritualist who is trying to transform spiritually and also materialistically, OR  you are a serious spiritualist seeking the self realization, you can evolve by having the Guru within involuntarily. You can signup with the Online Transformation courses and practice from home. You can check the entire website to understand the cosmic background, in introducing the “Hariom Consciousness to Humanity” . 

Manthan means, churning. Involuntary Manthan Kriya Yoga is the fastest evolving yogic technology of the divine forces (Devatas). One year of human evolution is equal to one day evolution of divine souls. It brings such faster transformation in human personality unlike any other Kriya Yoga, that is done or practiced out of human efforts. In the path of Manthan Kriya Yoga, the consciousness gets churned much faster through Involuntary Kundalini Kriya Yoga, through real time situations and people in your life. The situations will manifest naturally to transform you faster by removing your traits and karma. Some people have INITIAL LEVEL of involuntary kriyas happening in them, due to their KUNDALINI INVOKING. They happen due to just Kundalini Invoking, not awakening. Awakening the kundalini and advancing it through chakras and thousands of nadis happen in the vicinity of the Guru of this path. It is the law of Nature that, it does not allow anyone to advance their kundalini without going through Guru, as it quite harmful to their own personal lives and also to the world or Nature. In some people, the THE INITIAL involuntary kriyas are starting due to meeting cosmic vibrations. If these Involuntary Kriyas ADVANCE, then they can bring PROSPERITY by awakening many human potentials that are useful in their lives, careers and businesses. But many people are afraid of Gurus and such terms in the world today. Without such fears, they can transform and evolve by following the online lessons at Hariom Consciousness. At Hariom consciousness you can have THE GURU WITHIN you, guiding you and transforming you through your journey. You can read “Manthan Involuntary Kundalini Kriya Yoga section” to understand more about this science.