The Divine Approach

Hari, the cosmic CEO’s approach to evolve the human consciousness, in the current age is by bringing transformation involuntarily.

Involuntary transformation is brought through four main parts of the human society in which 1. Spiritual Gurus and Spiritualists, Teachers and Professors  2. Politicians and administrators 3. Business men and entrepreneurs  4. Normal People and by uniting all religions.

The top order people in these four parts of the society play vital role in evolving themselves and also help others who work with them.

Hari’s work with these four parts of society, brings prosperity in life in a balanced way – which is called Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moskha way. Dharma means, following the laws of Nature. Hari’s energy removes all fears and secures you and your life so that you can follow the laws of Nature, which is an essential and primary duty of man. You will naturally fall in harmony with Dharma with the cosmic energy of Hari. Then, you will meet the Artha element, which gives you purpose of life. You will be naturally connected to the purpose of life by which you will shine like a SUN. Your work will be exceptional and it happens with the support of all Natural forces. Your such work will be remembered for ages, once you are connected to the purpose of life.  The third element is Kama means, desire. Your desires what you actually want to do in life and achieve will awaken and connect you to the purpose of life. Accordingly all your material objectives in life, also will be met, effortlessly. Then the last element is Moksha which means, mukti or liberation. When you walk in the Hariom’s path of Dharma, Artha, Kama in your life, naturally you will move towards Mukti, the salvation or liberation. In very few lives you will continue to be in connection with Hari and then you will move towards “the actual birth into the freedom space from the cosmic womb”.

Hariom Consciousness will bring transformation in all these parts of the society, when they chant Hariom

To start the path of Hariom Consciousness, you can chant the Hariom Mantra, for at least 21 days and if you observe any changes in life and if you further want to take it forward, then you will have to get initiation into the path that will give you the access to “online lessons”, based on your profile. You can check Transformation School Section to know more information.