Why I have movements in my meditation?

Questions and Answers – Involuntary YogaCategory: Involuntary KriyasWhy I have movements in my meditation?
Aaryan asked 4 years ago

Sir…for few days..i have been getting movements in my meditation. Can you plz help ?

1 Answers
Shree Guru Staff answered 4 years ago

You experience movements, jerks, violent movements or violent spinning of body etc kind of spontaneous movements when you meditate as your consciousness is trying to rise which is nothing but kundalini. Your today’s meditation level is the result of the practices that you took up in your previous lives. As you reach good level of cognition in meditation in this life (even if you do not follow spirituality or even if you did not meditate in this life so far), you will reach that good level of cognition and then, kundalini like fire (like when the positive and negative electric wires connect then spark comes like that ). Due to cognition, sparks would result in the form of jerks and various other violent movements initially but later as you keep doing, the violent movements would smoothen. Most of the people in the world say that these movements should be stopped and suppressed. But the question is – You should be enjoying when these movements happen in you, when they are smooth (of course you may not like the violent movements). So you would naturally be drawn inward when these movements happen. Going inward becomes such natural process with you but for many meditators in the world, they struggle to go inward due to various throughs and other disturbances. But in your case, you would enjoy being inward as you are naturally drawn inward. A kind of Natural meditation process is started in you as per your own soul evolution. But there is a specific path and science that can be followed to evolve with these kundalini kiryas. Actually this is the fastest soul evolving technology (provided that science is followed properly), then you will greatly transform as a personality and also spiritually. Hariom Involuntary Transformation school  offers online study material in text, video and audio formats. You can follow them on your mobile or laptop. You can practice by following those lessons. If you have any questions, you can even ask the questions in the lessons. You can probably check. But before checking that you can check the Youtube channel – http://www.youtube.com/user/prakritikriya and then you can probably contact the site admin to help you forward.