Online Transformation School

The teachings of Hariom may be online ! But it is a real cosmic and remote path. Out of the divine cosmic energies, various situations manifest in your life that will practically test, teach, erase your traits and burn your karmas. You will start experiencing changes and transformation in your life in sixty days from joining the Hariom Online School.

Transformation is more of a scientific process with the help of divine energies. It does not happen out of yoga classes and meditational classes that are taught orally. Those who seek transformation, technically pay attention to the path and its practices. They implement the practices to experience the results of the path.  As part of this technical and scientific approach, online classes are available for entrepreneurs, professionals, wellness seekers, spiritual seekers and self realization seekers.  In online classes, the content is available in text, video and audio formats which you can follow easily.

By simply sitting at home, you can practice the methods given and experience the involuntary transformation in your lives.

One thought on “Online Transformation School

  1. Beloved Shree Guru … Your online lessons are great. I could find great transformation within just 60 days. My family and all are very happy to see me this way. I had several behavioral issues earlier. All changes came in me involuntarily. I am also able to see good progress in my business – Our true respects and loves to you.

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