Nature and Women

Women are close to Nature as the creation takes place through them. Their womb is close to the cosmic womb in which creation takes place. So women are required to be taken care well and respected in families and society.

Purusha, the divine cosmic and supreme consciousness always comes down for Nature and for its welfare.  As part of it, naturally, many women got married after coming in contact with Shree Guru of Hariom Consciousness. Women, their families, their husbands, their careers, their children are given more importance at Hariom Consciousness.  Those who do not have confidence, who carry fears and those who are lack of certain required potentials, they will naturally gain them in a certain period of time and later they start shining in their careers and lives with all those potentials they gain by Hariom Consciousness. Initially some karmas would be cleaned in them, so later they actually get ready to awaken potentials within them to get prosperity in their lives.

Only those who seek high end of evolution in spirituality will be treated more like SOULS than women in the path of Hariom Consciousness. So such TRUTH SEEKERS would naturally go through tough situations and phase for sometime, as per their intended spiritual evolution. Because in that process, clearing their mind, intellect and removing their karmas happens. That phase is actually phase and during that phase, some even get negative and think negative the spiritual path. Some of the Truth Seekers would even get dropped in between because, they cannot take up that journey, which is also okay. Some people have high end aims in spiritual seeking but those aims cannot be achieved due to their past karmas in previous lives. They require more time to evolve.

But rest other women, who just seek some spirituality, wellness and prosperity, when they touch base with Hariom Consciousness, they would just go through the spiritual evolution in a natural way at their own pace in a smoother way (unlike those Truth seekers above).

The souls who are born as women, especially in human race, by default they do some universal work of Nature such as giving birth, menstruation and carrying soft emotions that are meant to sustain the whole creation.

Women, their feelings and their emotions are very essential in Nature. If they carry positive thoughts, they can generate good vibes in Nature that can bring natural evolution in human consciousness. Women, even if they do not practice high end of spiritual practices, their natural soft nature, emotions and love for others would actually help Nature in a big way. But today, Kali does not even leave women. He keeps slipping negativity into them in various forms such as greed, jealousy, hatred, anger and various other ingredients.

If women can know, how to carry positive thoughts, positive emotions and feelings (out of bhavana), love for others, forgiving others and universal thoughts for the welfare of others, would generate great vibes in Nature that will help the cosmic governance to work well with required energies.  Women especially those who practice spirituality by chanting various mantras, should be more careful in terms of their thoughts and emotions. Any negative thought processing, emotions and actions would HARM THE NATURE MORE.  Women are more conductive to the energies in Nature but if they are used properly it will help Nature, their family, their society and country else, they work against the human consciousness, which actually earns them big karma.

Women, EVEN IF THEY DO NOT aim at self realization and DO NOT do high end of spiritual practices and if they just carry good emotions for the welfare of the world without negativity, it would be a great VALUE ADDITION to the human consciousness. It adds value to the NATURAL sacrifices they are already doing. That kills their traits and karmas and relive them from the cosmic womb (bondage) and liberate them. Women with such actions add value to their husbands who can prosper well in their careers and jobs. If the husbands do any high end spiritual practices and if women support their husbands, then all the husbands spiritual gains would come to wives automatically. So the point to be noted is, even if the women do not do high end spiritual practices, with their positive emotions and thoughts in Nature by supporting husbands would evolve them naturally, quite faster.

Where women are respected, treated well and given importance to their free will (to live as they want), where they are taken care, those families, those men and countries evolve and prosper greatly.

Women in few families, after following the path of Hariom Consciousness, they not only transformed themselves, they could also resolve the health issues, financial issues, relationship issues in their families. Their practices also gave prosperity in the businesses and careers that their husbands do.

To start the path of Hariom Consciousness, you can chant Hariom Mantra for at least 21 days and if you observe any changes in life and if you further want to take it forward, then you will have to get initiation into the path that will give you the access to “online lessons”, based on your profile. You can check Transformation School Section to know more information.