Nature and Governance

Nature is like a field in which every living and non living beings exist. Its like a womb in which all get born and die and go through the evolution cycle of their souls. Every soul just goes through that cycle of of births deaths as they owe to the cosmic womb of Nature, because of their karmas. In order to sustain all the souls in its womb, it acts like a host.


Nature is responsible to sustain your body as per your karma in its field, but leaving the freedom of your will. Nature does various operations in unseen way behind your every action and the people you meet. It operates out of its own algorithm of law which is called dharma. As per its law, like a governance system, it acts and works behind the actions of the souls in its womb. It sustains its womb based on trigunas – Satva, Rajo and Thamo Gunas. These are the fundamental bricks of the cosmic womb. Every being would have permutations and combinations of these three traits out of which many more other traits are born in them. All beings behave based on these Three Gunas in them. In terms of humans, every man would have several other traits such as lust, anger, greed, passion and all and they all would vary at various degrees in every man. Every man thinks and acts as per the traits. Traits are not dead ones.  They also carry, energies behind them. Based on the energies of the traits, every man cannot stop the push energy of those traits and acts by the force of those energies related to the traits.

Nature can work out of its algorithm and the energy that it earns out of the cosmic consciousness which is again nothing but the integrated consciousness of all beings in it. Based on the trigunas only those energies are generated in its field of womb. Percentages of these Trigunas vary in cosmic womb i.e. Nature, based on the evolution of time and space in it. When they are very imbalanced, the integrated consciousness sends various spiritual gurus and other spiritual practitioners to balance. But when it reaches its dangerous imbalance level, then the integrated consciousness (whom we call super natural power or God), takes a human body and does some supernatural operations in the human consciousness to bring balance in it.

If a soul gets out of womb of the Nature, by paying back all its obligated Karma, then it is called liberation or Mukti for that soul. That soul does not have to be born again in the cosmic womb. The life cycle or evolution cycle of a soul in the cosmic womb of Nature is quite painful, right from entering into the womb of mother to the last minute of death. The soul keeps encircling in the same womb of Nature for its evolution. One day it will realize and wake up that it is just encircling in that cycle and it wants to see the end of it. When the soul aspires for it, then the same cosmic womb i.e. the Nature sends a Guru who is the form of integrated cosmic consciousness. He will work with souls who naturally come to them to give Mukti. Such Gurus are Satgurus.

The evolution gets faster, when the souls realize their trap and then then with the help of the Guru, they start gaining the energies from Nature and transform spiritually and prosper in their physical lives.

Hariom Consciousness helps you speed up your spiritual evolution that will also improve your prosperity and wellness in your lives, careers and businesses.

To start the path of Hariom Consciousness, you can chant Hariom mantra, for at least 21 days and if you observe any changes in life and if you further want to take it forward, then you will have to get initiation into the path that will give you the access to “online lessons”, based on your profile. You can check Transformation School Section to know more information.