Manthan Involuntary Kundalini Kriya Yoga

Mostly after the year, 2012, many more people have started experiencing Involuntary Kundalini Kriyas in the world at a much higher rate than they were previously there. Prior to 2012, out of many spiritual practices, man used to trigger Kundalini for his soul evolution. But, post to 2012, many people around the world have been naturally getting initiated into Involuntary Kundalini Kriyas. People even without much meditation and spirituality background, are getting involuntary movements in their meditation. These movements happen involuntarily and the movements give tremendous pleasure in the spiritualist, as he / her is totally drawn inward. Meditation happens with them. They do not do the meditation.

You can check this video to understand the involuntary evolution

This kind of phenomenon happens with people, who meet the cosmic vibrations. They may not be spiritual or they may not even think of God and all.  Mainly, their universal thinking (thinking for the welfare of others) actually makes them meet the cosmic vibrations. The spiritual practices they would have done in the previous lives also would have the impact in their current lives. Some people may have spiritual interests in life with devotion and love towards God. These reasons mainly, make them meet the cosmic vibrations due to which, the kundalini in them gets invoked.

Suddenly in life, some people would have problems related to careers, finances, relationships and health. To get some peace out of such pressures, they naturally adopt some method of meditation. Even when they meditate for the first time, they would get these “Involuntary Kundalini Kriyas” invoked in them, all of a sudden due to the above mentioned reasons.

The MAIN reason is THE COSMIC WILL of the divine, which wants to transform human consciousness involuntarily, is the actual one, that makes the cosmic vibes meet the frequency of a meditator (such people mentioned above). Then, with the help of the cosmic divine vibes, their kundalini gets invoked.

They may belong to any religion or creed or sect. It is not something concerned with specific religion or sect. It can happen with any human who have the above mentioned personality. A Muslim may get those involuntary kriyas in his prayers. A Christian may get those involuntary kriyas, in his prayers. A spiritualist who mediates, a Buddhist who meditates may also get into these kriyas. Apart from all these, totally an atheist, may also get these vibes, when he sits in meditation. With some people, even when they are not in meditation, may be in their sleep, they get these involuntary movements.

Many people talked about world ending by 2o12 which actually means, that there will be a SUDDEN AND PUSH SHIFT in human consciousness that forcibly evolves it with the divine intervention. The same thing has started in human consciousness after 2012. Nature, the womb, in which all beings live, is the governance system of the whole world. Human  consciousness has fallen far behind from its expected level of evolution. Man does not have any soul energies to evolve on his own adopting some spiritual and discipline related efforts. Kaliyuga is the current age, which is the total negative phase of the cosmic time and space. It is currently in the hands of negative energies and their ruling. Kali, the name of the king of negative energies, is the ruler of this age, who has injected negativity and weaknesses into the human consciousness so badly due to which, its evolution has fallen far behind.

In order to bring that SHIFT and TRANSFORMATION in human consciousness INVOLUNTARILY, the kundalini is invoked in people, who meet such cosmic vibes. But it means only invoking the kundalini. After invoking Kndalini, there is a specific path meant for it in the involuntary evolution. That path is “Manthan Kriya” .

You should have watched the movie, Avatar, that was released in 2009 was actually the indication of the Nature that the “Involuntary Manthan Kriya” is going to transform the human consciousness. If you check the movie, in that movie, you find the inhabitants of the planet, spinning and rotating, connecting the cosmic tree. Movies that we mostly watch especially the movies related to human consciousness and evolution are the indications of the Nature. Directors receive the cosmic vibrations in the form of thoughts and visions and they will process their minds and make the movies. Such movies are basically HINTS to the humanity that “so and so” kind of evolution and change is going to happen in the world.  Inception is also such movie. Inception happens in the path of “Manthan Kriya Yoga” (Hariom Consciousness path). Hari, the supernatural power incepts several things into your consciousness to bring transformation in your life and also to help you in your real life in terms of your careers, life, business, relationships and health.

Manthan means, churning. Churning of the human consciousness is actually a divine work but not an independent will of the spiritualist in whom these kriyas happen. Manthan Kriya happened in the history of human consciousness, once, many millions of years ago when the humanity lost PROSPERITY in their consciousness. Then the supernatural power took the form of TURTLE and conducted the physical churning event, between negative and positive cosmic energies. Out such divine effort, many things came out related to PROSPERITY in life.  You can probably check with the keyword, “Samudra Manthan” on google and you will get all story of it.

Churning or Samudra Manthan happens to balance the negative and positive energies INVOLUNTARILY in those the involuntary kriyas are invoked. But they really happen and advance only when the SAMUDRA MANTHAN kriya is initiated in them. Till then, they JUST remain with KUNDALINI INVOKING, which they think as if it is awakening. Nature is a governance system. Kundalini awakening and its journey upward does not happen without having a GURU. Without Guru, the algorithm of the Nature does not allow any individual soul’s evolution. Because it is very unsafe and quite harmful to the individual also to the world, if the soul evolution happens without Guru. That’s a quite dangers approach, so Nature would never allow any individual to evolve spiritually unless they have the Guru. Normal spirituality is okay, but for self realization and for high end of spiritual evolution, Guru is Must.

Shree Guru, had to leave all his comfortable life by renouncing it and going to Himalayas at the call of Shree Maha Avatar Babaji, was due to this “Involuntary Manthan Kriya Yoga”. In future, many people would be INVOKED into INVOLUNTARY KRIYAS and there has to be a path meant for them so that their souls can evolve and prosper. For this purpose, he had to go through all those spiritual practices and and again, he was asked to go back to normal married life because, all the people who will be initiated into involuntary kriyas would be of this real world who have regular lives.

In Manthan Involuntary Kriya Yoga, they will be initiated into “Hariom” Consciousness with many other methods and techniques (Kriyas) which they can practice and evolve in their lives. Shree Guru just transmits the cosmic energy and initiates them into the path of Involuntary Manthan Kriya Yoga. For all such people, online lessons are created. They can login to the lessons online and practice the yogic path and advance spiritually and also prosper in material life. If you want to know about Shree Guru, you can check about him, here on SHREE GURU page of this website.

When you get initiated into the path of Hairom Consciousness, you will start naturally getting into meditation. You will naturally find, more peace being there within. You will find, some supernatural power is helping you behind in every situation of your life. You will find reorganizing of your life, meaning a kind of reshaping or restructuring happening for your peaceful future and prosperity. Hari, the God’s work with you, brings prosperity in life in a balanced way – which is called Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moskha way (You can check The Divine Approach Link on this website to know more about Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha)

A specific website is setup for INVOLUNTARY MANTHAN KRIYA YOGA, you can CLICK HERE to visit that website for more information.