Transformation through Involuntary Kriya Yoga

So far you heard about transformation in life, with human efforts. That is what everyone knows right? But can a smoker transform ? How many smokers you know are able to quit smoking? Smokers know that, it is their weakness and but yet they are not able to quit their bad habit. Because it is the ENERGY that they are lacking, due to which they are not able to quit smoking.

Energy of cigarettes  is more than smoker’s energy. So it is cigarette that is ruling him. He is not able to control it.

In the same way, there are so many bad habits and weaknesses that you carry due to which you are not able to transform in the world. For example, you have a habit of speaking in a sarcastic way which  does not always do good for you in your business or in your relations. But how can you quit it? Can you quit it? You have a habit of betting and you cannot control that habit. There are several habits such as anger, lust, jealousy, greed etc that you have inside your personality. You do not have energies to deal with them. You do not know in fact when they suddenly arise in you and those habits cause lot of damage to you in your business, career and in your personal life. But how can get rid of them? Can you deal with them?

You cannot obviously deal with them. You cannot even identify from where and when they arise suddenly from you. There is a difference science for that. Today, man’s energies are so weak. He always carries habits and deeds that work against the laws of Nature that always harm him in his life. He is not able to deal with them. We are not talking about the spirituality to see God and going to himalayas etc. We are talking about the spirituality that should be useful to you in your daily lives that actually should transform your personality so that you can do better things in life and you live better in life.

To bring this transformation, Hari, the supreme consciousness is available to help the humanity. You can borrow the cosmic unlimited energies from him, transform yourself and use them in your life.

Involuntary transformation is like Keanu Reeves flying the helicopter in the movie Matrix. He flies it when a software gets loaded into him. He fights the bad people by loading a software of lot of guns in him.

In the same way,  the art of doing things and energies get loaded in you, when you chant the mantra, Hariom. This is the path of involuntary transformation. Here transformation happens because of the availability of the divine energy to transform the humanity. He comes forward because, unlike ancient days, humans do not have any soul energies left in them and they are not able to transform which is having impact in the disharmony of the Nature which is the cosmic governance system.

This is a path of Involuntary Transformation. Hariom mantra is the first step in the involuntary transformation process. Here the transformation happens automatically. Over the years, several people have transformed in all aspects of life, automatically.

After starting the chanting of this Mantra, in about twelve to fifteen days, you will find some changes in your life. You will find you automatically and naturally falling in discipline. You will find quitting some bad habits. You will find restructuring of life happening in you automatically. You might find some career changes and some changes in business etc.  Some of those changes are meant to give you and benefit you on the long run.

You will find meditation happening in you automatically. You might restructuring of your relationships etc and all those are meant purely to bring transformation in your life by which you will benefit in the long run of your life. After following the path for few years and practicing, you will slowly find yourself moving towards PURPOSE OF LIFE.  When you meet the path of purpose of life, then you will find the whole cosmic energies being with you. Cosmic energies support you because, Nature is interested in only burning your karma. When your karma burns, your soul goes forward and when your soul transforms, Nature will also transform and balance.

To start the path of Hariom Consciousness, you can chant the three mantra Hariom Mantra, for at least 21 days and if you observe any changes in life and if you further want to take it forward, then you will have to get initiation into the path that will give you the access to “online lessons”, based on your profile. You can check Transformation School Section to know more information.