Hariom Universal Mantra

Hari means, the one that absorbs everything literally. Absorbing does not mean, absorption, it means “the container”. The one that contains all things and living beings in the whole cosmos. That not only contains but that also absorbs, meaning, the souls, loose their bodies and they get absorbed into that “container”. Technically that container is nothing but “Supreme Consciousness” which does not have any body. Imagine, magnetism existing without physical magnet. It is like that magnetism without magnet and that cosmic magnetism is “supreme consciousness” whom all religions call God.

The name Hari is more a technical term than that came simply out of devotion and irrational. The name Hari is scientific. The sound “Hari” is also beejakshar (Seed Mantra). When you say its sound,  it removes the karmas, sins, traits and finally it can even end “endless cycle of repeated births and deaths” by liberating you.  By saying Hari, you will naturally get healed from inside, which you can test practically by chanting for few days.

That consciousness is the supreme one. All religions call that supreme consciousness as God. Some call him Yehwah, some Allah and some Bhagwan and various other names.

Here, I am going to reveal a universal mantra which needs to be understood properly. To understand this universal mantra, one needs to transcend even the limitations of “religions related perceptions” and go beyond them to hug the universality. People who accept universality and have more technical and scientific view of God, would be able to understand this universal mantra.  This mantra is meant to bring universality, unity, peace, harmony  and prosperity in the mankind

This mantra is not a CONCEPT or designed out of human mind. It has the whole cosmic energies behind it. Whoever chants this mantra, can feel that universality. No one so far has revealed this kind of “absolute” representation and utterance of the sound of God. It is not a forcible and enforced mantra against your interests, opinions and religious beliefs. If you do not accept this, that is okay, you do not have to chant this mantra.

This mantra brings harmony, peace, prosperity in mankind. You may belong to any religion, creed or sect, you can chant this mantra, if you are interested. Then, in few days, you will be able to feel its universality in the mantra.  Religions are meant to bring devotion and love towards God. You may belong to any religion, religions are needed to be there in the world to bring harmony and peace in mankind. You can chant this mantra and still practice your regular religious practices. When Yoga, the scientific approach to God is associated with religious practices, then, that combined approach will bring harmony and peace in the world much faster. Emotions work like powerful medicine. Human emotions are very powerful that can shake any kind of divine power. If yoga is also practiced, without religious practices, such approach is like a mechanical approach without emotion and energy. When they both are associated with each other, then it will bring biological approach. That approach evolves the human consciousness much faster.

You chant this mantra only if you have universal mind and have love towards your religion and also towards other religions. Else, please do not chant this mantra because, that inner acceptance is more important to feel its energy.

The mantra is . . .

Hariom, Hare Christ, Hare Hare

Based on your religion, you can add, Hare Allah, Hare Buddha, or whatever the name of God your religion accepts. So those mantras will be like …

Hariom, Hare Allah, Hare Hare

Hariom, Hare Buddha, Hare Hare

This mantra is meant to rise more harmony, peace, kindness, prosperity and love in humanity but not disgrace any religion. This mantra integrates you with the universal consciousness. This mantra carries the emotions and energies of oceanic consciousness that contains all religions in it. When harmony, peace, kindness and love grow in our personalities, then we naturally follow the dharma, the laws of Nature. Then, you will experience the prosperity in all means of your life.

The meaning of the mantra is that – it is that supreme consciousness who is God and his name is Om or Hari. Hari himself is Christ, Rama or Krishna or Mohammed or Buddha. Hari, the oceanic consciousness itself is you, me, Christ, Rama, Prophet Mohammed or Krishna or Buddha. But we hail Christ, Rama, Krishna, Buddha, prophet Mohammed and all because they are universal personalities and their intentions, their works, their thoughts, their emotions are totally connected with the universal self. That is how they lived and showed the world about universality. Universality itself is God or Allah and God himself is universality.

This mantra will give the chanter, om consciousness to a Hindu,  Buddha consciousness to a Buddhist, Christ consciousness to a  Christian, Allah Consciousness to a Muslim and so on. If you belong to any specific religion and if you want to add “Hare before your religious beliefs of God” and if you are not sure of adding what, then you can contact us, we will be able to help you with it.

The technical view of Hari is that, imagine it is an ocean, the waves and bubbles on it are not separate from the ocean. God or supreme consciousness is technically like that ocean. Rama, Krishna,  Buddha, Christ, Mohammed and all are those waves of the ocean. You are also the same wave like them. But they have more purity, they descended down to show the path of God to the humanity. So technically you are also that Hari. Even great villains of the world are also Hari only. No wave or bubble can separate itself from the ocean, including that of great villains of the humanity. But everyone acts out of their own traits, karmas and their energies due to which they separate themselves as Good or Bad. But above Good and Bad, all are that same ocean of consciousness technically from the science of reality or the Truth. Truth cannot be known by reading books or opinions and beliefs. It has to be experienced. Even great spiritualists cannot experience the TRUTH OF OCEAN. They cannot experience the OCEAN OF CONSCIOUSNESS. The ocean of consciousness has to be experienced every second, in every other human or other beings and things in every situation through every second. It is a very high end spirituality only the rare are gifted with that. The bottom line of this discussion is that, you are also that HARI. But you have less purity, because of the less universality you have in your personality, whereas Rama, Krishna, Jesus, Prophet Mohammed, Buddha are universal personalities. If they did not have such personality, THE NATURE, the governance system, would not have supported the paths or religions they started isn’t it? All those religions have been sustaining for several years and several people are following them. Do not look at the weaknesses in the system of religions. Look at only the positivity and universality. Every religion is meant to add value to the humanity towards, peace, harmony, kindness and love.

If you have universal mind and if you have the technical view that is explained above, then you can chant this mantra and experience its “universality”. If you do not accept this mantra, that is also okay, you do not have to chant this mantra. If you have such universal mind, you can chant this mantra for at least 41 days and experience its results.  After experiencing the results, if you want to further go forward with the path associated with it, to gain, “Hari, The God or Universal and Oceanic consciousness”, You can take up online lessons, which will add YOGIC and SCIENTIFIC approach to your religious practices so you can transform and prosper more and faster.