Hariom Temples

Hariom Temples emerge out of devotion towards “Hari” the supreme god. The temples do not come out of any human effort or for the expectations of money, recognitions and all those. They emerge out of true spiritual practices done for few years by spiritualists, sacrificing and leaving many attachments in their lives, seeking only self-realization.  Spiritual seekers who are in seeking the Truth or self realization, surrendering to the Guru and out of their love and divine guidance, Hariom Temples emerge across the globe. They are not commercial points or Ashrams.

They are meant to carry divine cosmic energies out of the practices conducted at those places. Those energies bring transformation in people who visit those places. Bad habits, traits, health perspectives and various other personality disorders would heal in those who visit those places.  People who are already following Hariom Coconsciousness or who want to know about it, can visit these places.  

To bring involuntary transmission in human consciousness and to balance Nature, Hariom Temples naturally emerge out of divine efforts.

No spiritual activities and pompous exhibitions of spirituality are performed at Hariom Temples. They are more meant to transmit spiritual energies of Hari, which will heal and bring involuntary transformation in the visitors. People who visit may have to take prior permission to visit those places. Visit is only meant to just visit and may be sit for some time and talk with the SPIRITULISTS at these places or meditate for sometime and leave. All the required knowledge, information you get, online at Hariom.life website, in its Online Involuntary Transformation Courses and also on Youtube channel. No other activities we do at these places, except that of spiritual practices such as Havans and Involuntary Meditation. Spiritualists there also do not have any of those spiritual attires. They just look normally but they carry spirituality inside. Because, spiritual practices need to happen more within but not by gathering at places, going around and wasting time. Such actions only result waste of time which does not evolve you nor the places. Such physical actions are only a waste of time for you and also for the Nature. Such actions only hinder your actual evolution and also of the Nature.  We do not conduct any sales or any other activities at these places. Hariom Temples are only meant TO TRANSMIT the cosmic energies of Hari to the visitors so that they can receive the divine vibrations and evolve in their lives. 

Hariom Temples are currently in India at Hyderabad, Kallur and in South Africa, at Johannas Berg. You can watch the following videos of Hariom Temples at those places. 


Temple in Naranpur close to Hyderabad 



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