Hariom Movement

As per the science of Yoga, the sounds are called Beej Mantras. The Beej Mantras are meant to bring certain transformation in the people who chant those beeja mantras. Beeja Mantras are easy to pronounce and chant. Beeja Mantras are also meant to awaken the awareness of the chanter so that the consciousness becomes much energetic by getting charged whenever it is remembered or chanted.

Hari is such beej mantra of the super natural power. It means the expanded supreme consciousness that contains every living and non living beings in the whole cosmos.  That supreme consciousness is the one that is there as a seabed in every living and non living beings. Just like flowers are tied in a garland, from that garland of supreme consciousness everything is hanging.

When you say Hari, you will start healing in all subtle aspects of your personality and such healing will bring transformation in you automatically.

At this time span of the world, which is called Kaliyuga, man has totally lost his energies and he is trapped in several karmas and negativities that do not let him get energetic. So the man is not able to live true prosperous life.

Saying Hariom is like hailing the god’s name. It is a simple word that mostly people in Hamalayas use it to greet each other. They use it as they want to get rid of their individual ego. They do not even say Namaste. They greet each other simply Hariom. It means, the people only recognize the GOD’s consciousness in each one, they greet. Recognizing the god’s consciousness in everyone is the essence of every spiritual practice. That helps people to live in an integrated fashion. Then, they will be able to live in harmony with the laws of Nature (dharma) and experience the true prosperity in their lives.

So beej mantra energizes the chanter and heals him.  It will also awaken the awareness in the chanter which is very essential to properly live in the world.

It is a gift to the humans in Kaliyuga, that just saying the name of “Hari” is enough for people to transform. Because man cannot transform by doing any kind of spiritual practices in Kaliyuga.   So the more you say Hariom, the more you will start healing from within and transform.

Technically God is that supreme consciousness without any body but being in all living beings, non living beings, five elements. All those are the bodies of that supreme consciousness of God, including your body. Out of all such bodies, Rama, Christ, Prophet Mohammed, Krishna, Buddha and all such great souls lived literally universal lives on the earth. They showed proper paths to the people so they can live in peace, harmony and prosper in lives which is initially essential and they also showed the ways to reach the God.

Technically, everyone is part of that supreme consciousness of God whom we call with various names as per our religions. With this logical and technical approach, respecting our own religions and recognizing that integrated universal consciousness as God, is required to have peace, harmony, love and kindness. That way of living actually gives the TRUE PROSPERITY. But people, are in search prosperity of money alone by leaving the truth of God consciousness and it is not actual prosperity. It is rather gets a permanent pain on the long run but appears so sweet for little amount of time. 

The aim of Hariom Movement is to bring the awareness of universal consciousness for unity and welfare of the humanity. Hari is not a word of some religion but it is more a technical term for the holistic and universal consciousness who is God. So technically that term – Hari is you, me, that dog, this animal and all. So when you say Hari with the name of Christ, it means Christ is that universal consciousness of God. Allah is that universal consciousness of God. Buddha is that universal consciousness of God and so are Rama and Krishna. So when you chant the name of Hari, with the names of those great divine souls you will get universal consciousness. Above all, Hariom Movement is not a concept planned out of human effort. It is an unseen DIVINE EFFORT that works in the background of the cosmos. So the mantras mentioned on the site, carry cosmic energies which can be felt practically, as you chant them.         

Instead of Hiiis and Hellos and even Namastes if you say “Hariom” you naturally and automatically heal, transform and prosper in your life – WHICH DOES NOT COST YOU ANYTHING! 

As part of this divine effort, several Hariom Temples will emerge across the globe, naturally out of the spiritual practices done by “Self Realization Seekers”. Hariom Temples do not emerge out of human efforts. Some self realization seekers who practice “The Involuntary Spiritual Path of Transformation” for few years, will naturally get chosen by Hari to transmit his divine energies to the people around. So as part of that process, they establish those humble and modest Hariom Temples. Hariom Temples are not business centers but rather “Divine Energy Transmitting Points” that will transmit divine energies to those who visit them.  To bring involuntary transmission in human consciousness and to balance Nature, Hariom Temples naturally emerge out of divine efforts. This is not a mere illogical saying – you can visit those temples or even, you can try contacting Shree Guru on this website. You will be able to experience such energy transmission.

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