Hariom Mantra

Chant Hariom silently in the mind all times like, while walking, while cooking, while driving etc . You will start experiencing transformation in your life in just twelve to fifteen days.  

Hari Om

God is pure consciousness

He is “the essence inside the holistic essence, just like pomegranate”

Hariom Consciousness

Truth – One in all and all in one | God is in all and all are in God

Om Puurnnam-Adah Puurnnam-Idam Puurnnaat-Purnnam-Udacyate
Puurnnashya Puurnnam-Aadaaya Puurnnam-Eva-Avashissyate ||
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

Aum! is infinite, and this universe is infinite.
Everything in this universe emerges from that infinite and further remains the same.
Then the truth is only infinite that remains.  Everything is in this world is just infinite alone! Nothing else – For this pomegranate is the best example.

Hari means, the one who contains every living and non living beings in him, who is God. The supreme consciousness that is spread and present in all beings as a seabed is the God within. Everyone has God within. Just like pomegranate aril seeds having another seed inside.  Pomegranate is the best meaning of conveying the message of “God is in all and all are in God”.

By chanting the mantra Hariom you will start developing that consciousness of “God in all and all are in God”. Later it can even go to a level of knowing, “I am in all are all are in me” which is the truth. 

You will start developing Hariom Consciousness which helps you touch your true self or your true being. That will start burning karma and then you will start healing in all aspects of your life. Your life will transform in all aspects. Weather you are a normal person or a professional or a business man or a student, you will start excelling in your lives. If you have any health issues, you will start recovering from such issues. 

In Himaalayas Yogis and even normal people greet each other saying “Hariom” . That makes them even leave their individual ego. So they recognize only the Godness in the other person and say “Hariom” and the other person also says Hariom. So there, only Hariom remains which is the truth. Individual ego is lost in the people.  You can probably try out applying it in your life, if you do not shy away from saying it! If not at least chanting the holy mantra “Hariom” helps you over

To start the path of Hariom Consciousness, you can chant Hariom Mantra for at least 21 days and if you observe any changes in life and if you further want to take it forward, then you will have to get initiation into the path that will give you the access to “online lessons”, based on your profile. You can check Transformation School Section to know more information.

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