Hariom and Religions

God is integrated consciousness which is ONLY THE TRUTH. Imagine, magnetism being there without the presence of physical magnet. Then imagine, that magnetism being like cosmic magnetism. Then such cosmic magnetism is like that cosmic consciousness which does not have any body. But imagine the same magnetism having several magnets in its field !  Then such magnets are nothing but the visible living beings and non living things in the world.

In that integrated field of ONE SINGLE consciousness, all objects exist. In the same field of consciousness even religions exist. Religions or whatever the object you think, including Rama, Krishna, Prophet Mohamed or Christ or even bad people, all emerge from the same integrated consciousness. Then from the TRUTH PERSPECTIVES, there is no difference between Rama, you, me and even any other object in the world that exists in the same field of consciousness. But everyone has their own individual will from where, their individualities play roles by being separated from that integrated consciousness. Accordingly their minds, intellects function based on which they do either good deeds or bad deeds. Both good deeds and bad deeds are based on individuality. But the UNIVERSAL DEEDS are totally selfless and they are done out of the COSMIC EGO which is actually a kind of EXPANDED EGO you can say. Out of that expanded, selfless and universal ego, universal works are done. Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Prophet Mohammed, Christ and all did such COMPLETELY UNIVERSAL works due to which the works they did are still shining on the earth.

During old days, when religions started, humans used not to have any big time transportation that we have today. Today, you can simply move across the globe in few days. Those days, religions when they started, the DIVINE SOULS were sent down to show various paths to THE UNIVERSALITY, the integrated consciousness.

Integrated consciousness is God. So all those divine souls showed various religious paths to the humanity and people started following them. Without feeling any DIVINITY, in those religious paths, people could not have followed those paths. Whatever the religion you take, there is SOME SERIOUS divine work in those religions. That is the reason why millions of people are following several religions.  Today, as the man has become global, man has the NEED to see the integrated consciousness. Because today, unlike old days man is so cosmopolitan and without seeing that INTEGRATED CONSCIOUSNESS, he cannot live in harmony.

That does not mean, he has to leave the religion in which he is born. Today, modern people do not follow well their religions. They need to follow their religious practices and also at the same time, need to respect the other religions that coexist in this cosmopolitan culture. By leaving religious practices, man looses his SOFT HEARTEDNESS and that actually is dangerous to the society. Every religion and its practices are meant to bring this softheartedness in their followers. Several people in Church, Temples and Mosques cry while they do their prayers. It is purely because they touch their deep inner layers which are SOFT by nature. That has to be there in all.

From Nature or from that integrated consciousness perspectives, all religions, all living beings and non living beings are essential for its field. As the living style became so cosmopolitan, the need of seeing THE DEEPEST layer of the cosmos or god is essential. Because those perceptions can ONLY COEXIST every being in its field. That cannot be taught by books or preaches or blogs. Man cannot learn this by reading and listening to some preaches. Even some preachers of the religions are also corrupted today, due to several personal gains and other attractions. So, at this chaotic time span of the cosmos, the INTEGRATED CONSCIOUSNESS who is God has to intervene to awaken that integrated perception in humanity by injecting some divine energy.

One of such divine efforts is Hariom Consciousness that brings INVOLUNTARILY this integrated perception in the humanity. Such perception reintroduces the original perception of the human Nature with peace, harmony, kindness and prosperity.

It cannot happen CONCEPTUALLY as presented in the above picture. There has to be the work of DIVINE ENERGY in the background. Then such energy does its INCEPTION job of integrating the human consciousness which is an unseen work. To feel the integrated universal consciousness, you can chant the Hariom Universal Mantra mentioned on the site. You will be able to experience that integrated consciousness in your perception. You will find your perception changing INVOLUNTARILY and such universal perception gives you TRUE PROSPERITY in life, careers and businesses.

Benefits of Integrated consciousness in real life

  1. Man’s life is totally an interactive one with other humans. Especially in the cosmopolitan culture, it is more an integrated life. A buyer-seller, a taker and giver, a boy and a girl, a guru and disciple, employees in an organization, people in an area or a country – all need integrated life without which they cannot collectively coexist.  There is an integrated STICHING job, just like stitching the clothes, done in the INTEGRATED CONSCIOUSNESS continuously. Because of this reason, we all are able to live our lives. Our efforts towards our living is hardly 30% (for which we slog a lot). But there is an unseen 70% connecting job of that Integrated Consciousness which actually DOES NOT GET PAID like us in the form of money. It is freely available to all that exist in the integrated consciousness. For that 30% of living life with our efforts, we do all such non sense against the Laws of Nature.
  2. If you have to have good relations, good businesses, good careers, good health and good lives connecting to that INTEGRATED CONSCIOUSNESS is very essential.
  3. That connection should happen by YOUR SOUL and mind. Not physically or not CONCEPTUALLY.
  4.  When your soul and mind get integrated to that SEA BED CONSCIOUSNESS of the whole cosmos, then you will experience prosperity in your lives, businesses and careers.
  5. Then you will practically experience that, an UNSEEN WORK is happening in the background of your life, your business, your professional works and so on. So it is like taking the help of that integrated consciousness to live better lives.
  6. Such integrated consciousness actually puts away the troubling forces around you. It is more a technical and scientific work of the soul and Nature. Naturally the people who trouble you in your lives and businesses, would go away, when you touch that integrated consciousness.
  7. Chanting Hairom mantras given on the site, integrates your soul with that SEA BED CONSCIOUSNESS of the whole cosmos whom you call god or Christ or Rama or Krishna or Allah or OM or whatever.
  8. That integrated consciousness is a technical one more than emotional one. It does its job as per its algorithm. It does not know actually weather you are a Hindu or Christian or Muslim or a Buddhist. It does not have any partial reasons to help some one and does not help someone. Such partialities are just opinions and beliefs but not true.  It does not mean, it helps the negative minds and their negative deeds that harm the world. It does not help them.
  9. You can experience that prosperity as you chant the mantras given on the site in 40 days of chanting.

One thought on “Hariom and Religions

  1. Hariom Involuntary Kriya Yoga path, I have been following for several years. I am greatly enjoying my life ever since I got into this path

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