
Hariom Fellowship is not interested in Guruship that demands all pompous exhibitions of it.  Shree Guru does not demand or expect all those things from you, which is the reason why, online involuntary transformation school is set up on this site. Having Guru within has become essential today, for the spiritual evolution because, trusting Gurus, having faith in Gurus have become very tough in this world. Because of lack of this belief and faith, several people are not able to evolve spiritually in the world, which has become a great loss for the Nature. They are also not able to evolve materialistically as their spiritual evolution is held.

I want just transformation in people and their consciousness. I do not want any pompous recognitions, applauds and all other exhibitions. I have taken “Having Guru within” a bit extra mile for the welfare of the people as they are not able to believe physical Gurus in today’s world : Shree Guru

You can either call me Shree Guru or just Shree Murali Krishna, which is my body name.

Physical Guru is only essential and he has to be given more importance for those who are seeking “Self Realization or God realization”. Only for them, surrendering to the Guru is essential.  But for others, like entrepreneurs or professionals or just a regular man or woman who is looking for transformation for the purpose of both spirituality and prosperity, they do not need any kind of surrendering to the Guru. They also do not have to go around any ashrams and waste their time, if they are interested to evolve spiritually.

At Hairom Fellowship, may be, you can just call me out of respect and have love within ( I do not even entertain exhibition of such actions), but I do not entertain any of those showoff and pompous recognitions which is actually a waste of time that will hinder your evolution and also of The Nature.


In a way you have already been initiated into the preliminary level of Hariom Consciousness. But, to have HARI as GURU and THE DRIVING FORCE within, as per the laws of Nature, a formal initiation is required. Initiation does not mean, we bind you in anyway. It is “dharma” as per the laws of Nature from our side.

Hariom Consciousness helps you have “HARI’S CONSCIOUSNESS AS YOUR GURU WITHIN” that drives your consciousness, mind, intellect and body in all aspects of your life. You can chant Hariom, which will help you taste and experience the improvement in life to a little extent.

But spiritually an initiation is required as per the laws of Nature, as several cosmic forces work with the followers of the path with GRACE and it also requires certain discipline to be followed. So everyone cannot be initiated openly  and publicly into the spiritual paths. However, basic HARIOM is given to all the people openly that help them to certain extent.


Whether you are ….

  1. An entrepreneur who is trying to prosper the business, OR
  2. You are a professional who wants to excel in careers and prosper,  OR
  3. You are a spiritualist who is trying to transform spiritually and also materialistically, OR
  4. You are a serious spiritualist seeking the self realization,

…..You can evolve by having the Guru within involuntarily. You can signup with the ONLINE TRANSFORMATION COURSES and practice from home.  You will be given NEXT LEVEL MANTRAS, spiritual knowledge, discipline, practices, techniques and teachings in the form of text and videos, which you can practice silently, just by sitting at home. You don’t have to visit our places and do all such physical actions which is nothing but waste of time. If it is real divine energy, the transformation can be brought in you, irrespective of your physical presence. For all the above said individuals, the lessons are are different from each other. An entrepreneur has different objects and he needs different approaches, techniques to evolve and prosper in business and life and so is each of these individuals. So lessons are different for each individual.

After experiencing practically the initial improvement in life, by chanting the Hriom mantra, if you are further interested in following the path, you will have to take up initiation of Hariom Consciousness path. Then you will be given access to Online Involuntary Transformation course meant for you as per your individual profile said above.

You can check Transformation School Section of this website for more details.

Note : Please do not misunderstand that “Initiation” is a pretext for us to “expect” recognition, money, other bad things in the form of surrender and all from you. As said earlier, surrender is only “must” for those who seek, self realization but not for others. So, this note might remove any of your doubts as such. I just want true transformation in people and nothing else.   

Hariom Temples (not pompous ones) but they CARRY REAL COSMIC ENERGIES that will be TRANSMITTED to the visitors and those who follow the path of Hariom Consciousness. Those temples are already there in very few places in the world and they will naturally emerge around the world and increase. Those who are in self realization path and who do not have any illusion for money, recognition and all would operate those temples. May be, you can visit those places when they are available near your location (only to gain cosmic energies). Till then, you can practice the online lessons from home and for any cosmic energies, you can text or email or call and reach out to Shree Guru.