Shree Guru

There are various types of Gurus even in spiritual domain. But the one who actually puts your soul, in the journey of merging with the cosmic consciousness is Satguru.

Satguru is not a person but an impersonal Cosmic Consciousness, that operates in energy level. Satguru may or may not have a corporeal frame as and when needed. The Satguru intervenes with your consciousness rather than pompous discourses. Connectivity with Satguru is effectuated through frequency resonance of the cosmic self. Merging one’s consciousness with Satguru is the shortcut to know the “true-self”.  His presence, his voice, his text message also would pass the cosmic vibes that will elevate your consciousness.

Satguru is that supreme consciousness as is, all times, though he has the physical body, mind and intellect and function like you. Though he keeps talking, behind him, the consciousness does its own works in the background.

But the point is everyone cannot understand his state nor perceive, what he is. Everyone has their own level of understanding and perception. When you get in touch with Hairom Consciousness and Shree Guru, you would go through such divine experiences.  Everyone will be gifted with “what they want” inherently by being in touch with Shree Guru, weather they mention their desires to him or do not mention. Check about Satguru on this Wikipedia link , you will know more.

The cosmic consciousness, Hari, works through Shree Guru. The mantras that are given for the welfare of the world, those mantras, and Shree Guru are not separate but one and the same!

You can call me as you want, but the feeling of that calling has to be from deep down. Names and all do not matter me as my real form is that light  – Shree Guru

I have started Hariom Fellowship with the divine will and consciousness. Its main objectives and interests are always “human consciousness and its transformation” which ultimately helps the Nature. Nature needs to be happy, which is the wish of the Purusha, for which this work of Hariom Consciousness is happening.

I am not is not interested in Guruship that demands all pompous exhibitions of it. Shree Guru does not demand or expect all those things from you, which is the reason why, online involuntary transformation school is set up on this site. Having Guru within has become essential today, for the spiritual evolution because, trusting Gurus, having faith in Gurus have become very tough in this world. Because of lack of this belief and faith, several people are not able to evolve spiritually in the world, which has become a great loss for the Nature. They are also not able to evolve materialistically as their spiritual evolution is held.

I want just transformation in people and their consciousness. I do not want any pompous recognitions, applauds and all other exhibitions. I have taken “Having Guru within” a bit extra mile for the welfare of the people as they are not able to believe Gurus in today’s world : Shree Guru

You can either call me Shree Guru or just Shree Murali Krishna, which is my body name.

Physical Guru is only essential and he has to be given more importance for those who are seeking “Self Realization or God realization”. Only for them, surrendering to the Guru is essential. But for others, like entrepreneurs or professionals or just a regular man or woman who is looking for transformation for the purpose of both spirituality and prosperity, they do not need any kind of surrendering to the Guru. They also do not have to go around any ashrams and waste their time, if they are interested to evolve spiritually.

At Hairom Fellowship, may be, you can just call me out of respect and have love within ( I do not even entertain exhibition of such actions). At the same time, you cannot take advantage of my words and misbehave with me because that puts you out of DHARMA and as per the law of Nature, it will bounce back in some form much faster! So that law is very important, dharma for you and at the same for me too!

I do not entertain any of those showoff and pompous recognitions which is actually a waste of time that will hinder the evolution of Nature.

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