For Self Realization Seekers

If you are aiming at self realization, you must fall first in the category of Satva Guna which only can help you surrender to the Satguru. Without surrendering to the Guru, as per the Dharma and laws of Nature, it is not possible to get self realization. Satva Guna first drops wrong rational thinking that carries, doubts, expectations, fears and all. Satva Guna shines like Sun to deal with any challenges, when you fall in the path of “searching for the truth”.

In the journey of self realization, all the traits and karmas awaken which require you to resolve them by physical actions. Such actions demand lot of sacrifices which normal spiritualists cannot do. Because, it is all about paying back the obligated karma to the world only then, you go forward. However, Guru’s grace helps to certain extent but lot of faith in Guru is required to go forward. Due to various reasons, mind will be badly tested and then, some people who follow this journey, would start thinking negative about the path and the Guru and then they will leave the path, which is okay and there is nothing wrong about it.

Situations in life, several other souls coming into your life to take back your karma and several other people appear in your life due to Kali’s negativity and because of all those reasons and also due to the negativity within out of rational personality of Rajasik, you will not be able to go forward. Simply to say, the journey demands lots, which even spiritualists who practiced the spirituality for several years also would not be able to take up the real situations and tests that happen in the path of self realization. Self Realization is a very high end objective of the soul. It is the objective of a soul that has travelled through several thousands of lives. The desire for Self Realization has to come out of soul thirst, not out of spiritual fashion or other attractions. Some people fallow Self Realization for some hidden desires to become Gurus, to earn some spiritual powers which they can display to others and even to earn more money or to gain spiritual powers for several personal gains. Though they start the journey truthfully, these hidden desires and traits will awaken and they get mislead in their journey. Then they again karmas and their evolution demands several more lives. But with such negative or bad or desires based intentions, they will be naturally dropped in the middle, especially in the path of Hariom Consciousness.  They naturally go away from the path. The cosmic consciousness of Hari does not allow such people to go forward in the path.

Firstly, to follow Self Realization, FEARS should go away. Mainly Fear of “Guru may deceive me” should go away. That means, you should even be ready to get cheated, if you come across a fake Guru. Such bold you should be. Then Nature, will properly connect you to the Right Guru. Actually if you get cheated by anyone on the earth (not just Guru), it means, paying back your karma. So, in case you get cheated by a Guru or even by a normal person, take it like you have paid back your karma. Such kind of high end positive mind you should have. Such mind is called Satvik Mind. It will never shake for downfalls, getting cheated or losing something etc. Such souls would have great energies to start their life AFRESH from the scratch again, even after great losses. You should remember the life of “Jeffry Archer” (may be if you do not know, you can google and check). Such fervor is BASICALLY needed “for self realization”. That is the basic quality, needed in “self realization seekers”.

If you have the objectives of “self realization”, you can first chant the Hariom Mantra. After chanting the mantra for at least 21 days, if you further want to contact us for your evolution, you can contact us with your Name, contact information and other information about yourself. We will help you forward. But you will be tested badly in the process and it is a DIVINE EFFORT. You should understand it is not an human individual effort from our side, it will be a cosmic and divine effort.

But whoever is seeking self realization, are required to inform their guardians (parents and life partners)  and only with their acceptance, they can take up the self realization path at Hariom Consciousness. If you are interested you can write to us at chanthariom @ with your Real full name, contact information with little background information. We will help you forward.

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