For Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs and CEOs actually play a more vital role in the cosmic governance system. God or the supreme consciousness is the CEO of the whole cosmos who manages the cosmos through its millions of years of evolution working with his divine cosmic management team members. CEOs and their businesses actually are more important for the Nature, for the sustenance and evolution of souls in its womb. There is a way, by which CEOs can take the help of the cosmic CEO and the support of Nature. With the help of such cosmic energies, they can awaken their true potentials and do their job extraordinarily. With the help of such divine forces, they can even manifest and execute several things in their businesses by mind and soul . But to take the help of the cosmic CEO, CEOs need to become Arjuna.

You can read the book, The Monk CEO, to understand how CEOs play a cosmic role in doing their jobs.

After experiencing the initial benefits from Hariom mantra, CEOs can further pursue the path of “working with the cosmic CEO and Nature” by taking up online course at Hariom Involuntary  Transformation School. You will be given various mantras and other methods to practice. You will have access to text and video based content which you can follow and practice at home. If you are a CEO and if you are interested to take up online course, you can email us at chanthariom @ gmail . com with basic details of your name, your firm, country and contact information. We will guide you further.

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