Change In Spirituality

Spirituality is also one domain just like any industry in the business. Just like the way, you get upgraded software versions, as the human consciousness evolves, higher level yogic techniques are introduced to the humanity through several Gurus. It is a domain that also updates based on the evolution of human mind and the world. Though the basic system of yogic system remains the same, the methods and approaches to evolve the consciousness change as the human consciousness advances.

The world will be introduced to unheard spiritual technologies that either so far were underlying in the spiritual world or totally new ones.

Lack of devotion and discipline 

Devotion and discipline are very essential in the spiritual domain. But today, spirituality has become a kind of showoff element  to the people as they get to talk about some spiritual lingo and jargons. How great ever meditation they do or whatever practices they follow, devotion coupled with discipline has to be there. They both keep the practitioners stay on the grounds without showing off. Some spiritualists may have devotion element but they lack the discipline element. Due to the lack of these two main elements in their practices, spiritual practice becomes a kind of ego booster that makes them more Rajasik. If discipline is there, devotion would fall in place naturally. But having discipline needs some cosmic energies to follow them which could come by having devotion.

But today, in spiritual practices, most of the people, lack devotion and discipline elements. But some people show off their own spiritual paths saying, they are kriya yogis, they are gnana yogis and all. Whatever the path you practice, that is meant to bring balance and soft heart in you then you do not do all this showoff businesses.

Spirituality of Maya 

Some spiritualists would even embrace various devis, devatas and other various shakti related paths that give them energy and with that energy, they try to show off their individuality. They try to read others, they try to scan others and misuse all of them for their personal gains, to get applauds. Some even go far extent of giving directions to others as if they are ASSIGNED GURUS by the governance system of the cosmos. All those actions only earn them karmas and stain their souls more with all those traits. Actually those devis and all shaktism is meant to bring transformation in its followers, working as mother teaching element. All devis in shaktism are part of prakriti and they are meant to evolve their devotees to a level where, they can surrender to a Guru for Mukti or Self Realization. But all the spiritualists in the path of Shaktism are merely satisfied with some energies they gain and they go on displaying it to others and teaching others. That actually binds them more into Karma and traits of illusion. Such practices do not benefit an individual soul and also the Nature.

Fears about Gurus

Many spiritualists are afraid of Gurus, because they all have their own lives and they still want to pursue some spirituality. But because of fears such as “they might be trapped or misused” or they may lose their money or due to various other reasons, some spiritualists are not able to evolve spiritually. It is actually a big loss for The Nature. For this problem in Nature, we can say both Gurus and spiritual seekers are equally responsible. But the truth is everyone does not have to totally surrender to Gurus except, those serious self realization seekers.

Gurus and their way of functioning

Spirituality is a very tough path to survive, especially in terms of physical body and its needs of Gurus. They also would have responsibility to help Nature in its evolution. For that, every Guru would have his own mission. It takes natural time for the execution and success of their missions. It has to be more a natural process rather than PUSHY way of doing things that make them adopt business way of functioning in their operations.  Their way of functioning is required to cut more the maya of their followers but when many of the followers gather together, they all carry their own traits and most of the followers and even the operational team of those Gurus, everyone gets into politics and other illusionary way of functions. So finally, the function of a Guru instead of brining transmission in people, more maya is being added into them. Real transformation is not happening at ashrams of such Gurus except giving an entertaining place of puzzle hunt to the people around.

  Kali and his Negative Management  

Kaliyuga, the current age is ruled by the negative energies of Kali. His energies and all his negative team members are highly busy in making the human consciousness more and more weak by INJECTING more negativity into them. They do not leave even great spiritualists and Gurus. They are so strong that somehow, they attack the weaknesses of Gurus, in terms of senses and also in terms of money, comforts, properties, recognition, authority, stardom and making their spiritual operations as businesses. Though the Gurus appear to be so knowledgeable, even energy carrying, along with their energies, their illusion and weaknesses will also slip into the people around, those who follow them. This is not their work though directly, but it is Kali’s strategic work to somehow put behind the evolution of human consciousness by making them much weaker. Gurus, their ashrams and people who run those ashrams are not able to avoid maya and also the followers who visit those places are also attracted towards maya, because of the background operations of Kali, the negative energy.

The Needed Evolution 

Human evolution cannot be held and it has to go forward at its required pace. Humans have lost their soul energies as they totally fail in four main disciplines in their lives, which are 1. Satyam 2.Sauchihi 3. Tapah 4. Daya. Man has lost energies required to transform on his own. With the divine intervention alone, he can transform involuntarily.

Hariom Consciousness is such kind of divine effort to transform the human consciousness involuntarily.  Hariom Fellowship and its style of functioning would not have those negative baggage of spiritual operations mentioned above. Because, Hariom Consciousness itself is meant to CUT THE MAYA of Kali, the negative energy. Whoever chants the two Hariom Mantras, they will naturally develop the soul energies from inside to fight with their own weaknesses within and also develop soul energies to fight with any negative external forces. That is the reason why, most of the operations of Hariom Fellowship would be ONLINE which would not require any of those showoff operations and recognitions. Transformation can happen remotely in all those who are associated with Hariom Fellowship with the help of cosmic forces of Hari, the supreme consciousness that watches, secures and takes care of all followers. On online operations also, there are possibilities of Maya entering , but in comparison with the physical operations, they are far less. However, the supreme consciousness work of Hari, always watches and makes sure of such negativity entering into Hariom operations. Such people, such fake followers would NATURALLY get dropped and NATURALLY they will be kept away from Hariom Operations. It has happened with several people who came earlier. So as it is totally divine operation of Hari. Fake and negative vibes carrying people cannot survive longer at Hariom.  It is Hari Consciousness that always works in the background as Guardian!

To start the path of Hariom Consciousness, you can chant the three Hariom mantra. You can chant the mantra for at least 21 days and if you observe any changes in life and if you further want to take it forward, then you will have to get initiation into the path, that will give you the access to “online lessons”, based on your profile. You can check Transformation School Section to know more information about your profile and Hariom online classes.

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