Hariom Books

As part of Hariom Movement, Shree Guru writes various books. Many more books are going to be written for the better understanding of “Involuntary Evolution Science”.

You can check the following books written by him

The Nature Hood

All souls are getting back home where they were all seeded. To that time and space of consciousness, the souls would travel back. Then, Nature was your mother, being in visible form while the father was unseen and experienced as formless being, by voice. Every soul’s consciousness was so high then and with the powerful inner eye, they used to experience the God involuntarily and effortlessly unlike today’s effort involving meditational practices. They had full understanding of mechanics of SOUL and NATURE like The Hero Neo, in the movie, MATRIX.

The SPINNING KRIYA technology of the Nucleus and all divine souls is brought down for you, my dear soul. Nature and the Guru have been following you ever since you were born; you were very secretly taken care and guided to “this moment of reading this text”. Yes, you read this text now, as Nature intended you. When time comes, you are remotely initiated into INVOLUNTARY SPINNING KRIYA. The technology of INVOLUNTARY KRIYA MEDITATION naturally guides and speeds up the back home journey of all souls. This book reveals the secret science of Souls and Nature so they can live and evolve fast, in both spiritual and material lives. While reading this book, you will be energized and initiated into INVOLUNTARY SPINNING KIRYA MEDITATION. You will also have several spiritual experiences while reading this book. Through whomever you got initiated into Spinning Kriya, you will ultimately have to take the shelter of Naturehood by which only one can reach out to supreme soul.  So are you the future Neo? Mother Nature, The Matrix is waiting for you! All the best wishes to you my dear soul —- SRI KRISHNA / KRiSHnature / Shree Guru

If you are from India, you can probably get this book from Pothi website

If you are from other countries, you can check on Amazon

The Monk CEO

Book will be available soon : If you are a CEO, “The Monk CEO”, presents you, your true- gigantic cosmic role in the creation. This whole creation is a selfless business of the creator, who is the CEO of it. He has extraordinary expertise in

 managing cosmic incorporation for millions of years. You will understand the unseen works and unlimited energies of Nature, the cosmic womb in which you live and run your business.  You will be initiated into a method awakening your true cosmic potentials by taking the help of The Cosmic CEO, his expertise and unlimited energies, for true prosperity in your life and business.

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