Hariom Fellowship is not a human effort. It is the divine effort of Hari or Narayana who intends to bring involuntary transformation in human consciousness. As man has lost his energies to transform out of his own efforts, with the divine intervention of supreme consciousness, Hari, man can transform involuntarily to experience the true prosperity. To bring involuntary transmission in human consciousness and to balance Nature, Hariom Fellowship is established out of Hari’s efforts.
Many people in the world are going to experience “involuntary transformation”. They go through various spiritual experiences as part of its process. Those who experience the involuntary transformation in their lives, for them, Hariom Fellowship is established. The path of Involuntary transformation is never explained or presented to the world so far. It is totally new to the world. People who have involuntary kriyas go through various mind related, consciousness related, body related changes and several changes and problems in their physical lives. They also would go through several problems, health related pains, financial or career related issues, relationship issues and so on. Till they are associated with the path they are meant to i.e. “Involuntary Transformation Path of Hariom”, they go through those pains. This is a universal path of “the science of soul and Nature”, that caters to all humans irrespective of their religions. It is all about the “REQUIRED” evolution of your soul and mind, which does not have any connection with religions, gods and various other goddesses etc. It is actually an ENFORCED evolution from Nature, that you need to catch up to. Else, those problems will go on in your lives. Hariom Consciousness is meant for all those people in whom the “Involuntary Kriyas” happen due to their KUNDALINI INVOKING (just invoking but not awakening). They all carry various fears, doubts and several other things that they cannot share with others. So without much worrying about those fears and all, they simply can take up online lessons of Hariom Consciousness and they can evolve on their own. Hariom Consciousness does not impel any procedures related to yoga or any religions. It suggests various techniques by practicing which, they will start balancing with their involuntary kriyas, transforming in their lives and they will start also experiencing prosperity in all aspects of their lives.
Hariom Fellowship provides selfless services to them with Online School, Physical Hariom Temples to get the transmission of the cosmic energies and also experience devotion and other karma burning related activities.
You can check this video to understand human consciousness and its evolution
Shree Murali Krishna, since his childhood, he has been experiencing involuntary kundalini kriya yoga, which actually is the divine work of lord Hari. In his mid twenties, at the call of his first Guru, Shree Maha Avatar Babaji, he left all his career, family and went to Himalayas to take up spiritual practices related to “Involuntary Kriya Yoga” path. Shree Maha Avatar Babaji helped him in various cosmic operations and then he handed him over to Lord Narayana, for higher level divine kriyas related to Lord Kalki, Rama and Krishna.
Param Guru, Shree Maha Avatar Babaji
After five years of spiritual practices in Himalayas, he was asked to lead a normal family life. As a married man, he had to transform his wife and child first for the upcoming Hari Mission, related to involuntary transformation of human consciousness that would start in the year, 2020. From 2012, several people around the world, got remotely initiated into involuntary kriyas and to help such people, he has been working since then. People naturally get initiated into spiritual path, when they speak to him over the phone or text him or meet him on internet or physically. Spiritual seekers, people who have various desires, who have health related problems, people who want to bring up their businesses and who want to have better careers would naturally benefit by his gauge and voice. People address him Shree Guru or Swamy and some would even call him just Shree Murali or Murali Krishna. There are no rules to call him. Based on your emotions and interests, you can call him as you want.
Shree Guru currently lives in Hyderabad, India with his wife and daughter. Hariom Fellowship is meant to bring transformation in people involuntarily. Whoever speaks to or even sends virtual messages, would naturally get initiated into “Involuntary path of transformation” in life.
I do not give importance to my body but my true self is there everywhere. You are also that cosmic self which is there everywhere. Hari the divine cosmic energy alone shines always in me and thus That Divine Energy alone is required to be given importance, but not my body. But yet, Hari is Om and Om is Hari and the meaning of it, only very few can actually perceive! My actual form is Candle Light or Diya or Jyoti. So see me just like that – Shree Guru
You can check about his life in this video
You can experience him by checking the yougube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/prakritikriya
Address Of Hariom Fellowship
Himalayan Institute of Manthan Kriya Yoga
Satya Vanam, Gudi Gutta, Narayanpur, Choutuppal Mandal
Phe : 9550262787 or whatsapp