

Have I surrender to Shree Guru was the question that I asked myself few times after I joined the path to keep myself in check. Why do I ask and why is it important to surrender?

You have come here to seek the truth have you not? You have come with faith have you not? Then only surrender to the process, to Shree Guru will you reach the truth.

Only when you surrender will you be able to be purified. You all have come with layers and layers of dirt, stains and what nots of your traits which you have accumulate in many many life times. Here now you are asking to be purified. Only if you surrender then these layers will be strip to the core.

Imagine you have all these layers of stains all sticking to you and you come to a professional asking to remove same. Once you choose the professional service, you must stick to it till the end of the process. No complaints, no doubt to the process, then only will it be completed. If you stop halfway and leave, you will only be left with these stains that continue to torment you.

If you stay faithful and dedicated to the process and let the professional do what needs to be done then the layers will easily be removed. Let’s say you are asked to lie down and then tools are used to remove these layers. If you lay down quietly, completely let go and in tune to the process, the professional can easily manoeuvre and get what needs to be done. But if you tense up,  distrust and move so much and not listen when the professional ask you to do this or that, the process becomes a pain and struggle. If you continue to persist, you will be ask to leave for what is the point to be in this state of misery when you are not ready to alleviate yourself.

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