

What are you looking for? What is this void feeling? A question that arises within to know the self leads me to my journey to Shree Guru.

Just like a flower which will bloom according to time and condition around, a soul will also evolve according to time and condition. God is around us everywhere and is only up to us to accept into our very being. Only when a soul is ready then only can it accept God into our very being. What is God but the true nature of our self. When one looks into the mirror one sees itself. Similarly, when you are ready, it would reflect the true nature that you have been searching for all the time. As the nectar of sweetness is only available to those who truly wants it from the heart. If only one understand the true nature, one would give up all desires in life for what is one without the truth that gives rise to the meaning of existence itself. The whole world is nothing but a composition of yourself and what is there to know if not yourself. What one wishes to find is nothing but that which permeates the whole of existence which again will come back to the self. If one understand the true nature there is nothing left to seek but only to a sweet surrender. In the eyes of all, you may be Mr/Ms So and So but in reality you are nothing but that which permeates everything, that which is never born nor die, that which is immortal.

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